Getting Started
Welcome to the OpenCI documentation
To self-host OpenCI, you need to meet the following prerequisites:
- Mac with M1 or later
- macOS 14.0 or later
Initial Setup
To self-host OpenCI, you need to install some tools.
Tart is a tool for managing macOS VMs.
Firebase CLI
OpenCI uses Firebase, so you need to install the Firebase CLI.
OpenCI Runner
OpenCI Runner is a CLI for running OpenCI. Dart is required for installation.
Download Base Image
OpenCI uses macOS 15.0 as its base image. This takes a considerable amount of time.
Firebase Configuration
OpenCI uses Firebase for its backend and other components. Therefore, Firebase needs to be configured.
Create a Firebase Project
Access the Firebase site with any Google account and create a project.
Firestore Configuration
Firestore is used to register build jobs. Therefore, access Firestore and provision it.
Firebase Functions Configuration
OpenCI uses Firebase Functions. Using Firebase Functions requires registration for the Blaze plan (paid). The cost is approximately a few yen per month.
Firebase Initialization
After creating a Firebase project, specify the project to use.
Firebase Functions Deployment
Clone the OpenCI CLI repository.
GitHub App Configuration
OpenCI uses a GitHub app to retrieve build jobs.
Create a GitHub App
Access GitHub app creation and create a GitHub app.
Secret Configuration
Register the GitHub app secrets used by Firebase Functions in Google Cloud’s Secret Manager.
Navigate to /apps/firebase_functions/functions/
A “secret random string” used to verify the authenticity of Webhooks sent from GitHub.
Generate a string as follows:
Set the generated string to GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET
in Firebase Functions.
Then, set this string to the Webhook Secret in the GitHub app.
The Webhook configuration is complete when it looks like the following:
Create a Private Key for the GitHub app. You will also use this in the next step.
Set this Private Key to PRIVATE_KEY
in Firebase Functions.
Originally, you should register the Secret with the firebase CLI, but the current CLI crashes when reading .pem
files. Therefore, register it from the GCP Secret Manager using the GUI.
After setting all the Secrets, deploy Firebase Functions.
Finally, specify the URL of Firebase Functions’ gitHubAppFunction
as the Webhook URL for the GitHub app.
Create a Firebase Service Account
Create a Firebase service account and place it in an arbitrary directory.
With this, the preparation for self-hosting OpenCI is complete. Congratulations!
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